5.5.5 Emptying the waste water tank using the waste discharge outlet

Always empty the waste water tank into a fixed waste water tank onshore.

Pollution and health hazard.

Emptying waste water tanks into the water can cause water eutrophication and visual pollution in coastal areas.

Do not empty the waste tanks into the waters where it is not allowed by the law.

Plan your voyage in a way that you can always reach shore with proper fixed waste water tanks in good time before your waste water tanks get filled.

Risk of damage to the waste disposal system.

Toilet paper can accumulate in the tank bottom making it more difficult to empty.

Empty the waste tanks before they become full.

  1. Make sure the seacocks in the waste water openings on your boat are closed tightly.
  2. Connect the suction hose from the shore tank to your boat’s waste water discharge outlet marked with the text Waste.
  3. Turn on the waste water pump of the shore tank.
  4. Hold the suction hose tightly in place in the discharge outlet during the whole emptying process to prevent any accidental spilling onto the deck or into the water.
  5. When the waste water tank is empty, turn off the waste water pump on the shore.
  6. Disconnect the suction hose from the discharge outlet on your boat and close the outlet lid tightly.